Check out the unique preferencies
Syntetic composition
voidCoin token will be issued as composition of syntetic mirrors on different blockchains, which open possibilities to transfer it for example from metamask to binance chain and vice versa
Multyihain liquidity
voidCoin like a digital glue can provide liquidity for digital assets on one blockchain by pairing these to assets with high liquidity on different trustless platforms without crosschain bridges
Circular signatures
voidCoin can support group wallet government with customizable participants roles, which makes assets increadible safe and flexible controlled, like a comming taproot update for bitcoin
Interplanetary token
In addition to classic low latency consensus, voidCoin can syncronize isolated networks using high latensy heartbit with compact incremental updates and innovative predictive back-validated approvements, which allow to interact betwean ledgers even on space scale distances
Trustless anonymity
voidCoin ecosystem will use embedded transactions mixers and signature chaining wich allow completely hide assets sender with receive guaranty, or asset receiver from any kind of transactions monitoring or analityc systems
Secured identity
Opposite to anonimity, voidCoin ecosystem also allow to identify participants of any kind of deal using minimal needed info discovery throught ZKP addressed ID delivery, with guaranty that sensitive data will be accessed only by deal participants with approved access rights
Standard asset imitation
voidCoin token can act just as plain BNB-20, ERC-20, TRC-20, or any NFT asset, no matter on wich platform its lives. Currently its issued just as BNB-20 with pancake swap based liquidity pool and planed to scale to any other froms, imitate any platform asset (see Syntetic composition). This ability allow voidCoin provide classic behavior and make it compatible with existen infrastructure
L2 crosschain consensus
voidCoin token use second level of syntetic, platform independent consensus, wich works over trustless mechanics of any other blockchaine on top of thes blockchains produced assets and can be named as Proof of Composed NFT staking, or Proof of Crypto Portfolio Staking. This is mean, that voidCoin token do not need own infrastructure, because it can parasitizes on existens platforms and provide cardinally new crosschain experience
Check out voidCoin evolution plans:
voidCoin tokenomic
All voidCoin tokens are preminted and distributed as showing on pie chart. At current state they are issued as simple BEP-20 token, wich will be mirrored on other platforms using crosschain liquidity distribution. This means that TVL over all platforms will be a constant, but amount on each platform can be changed in proportion to amount on other platforms.
This functionality based on level 2 consensus algorithm, wich reached betwean two smartcontracts on different platforms, when without consensus is impossible to unlock some amount of tokens on one contract without locking eqal amount on other. We are call this technique "Syntetic composition" which also used in our Polytopia protocol, where loked tokens act as proof of stake for reach that crosschain consensus.
52% of tokens (liquidity pool and airdrop) will remain as Earth shard supply in quantity, calculated for prevent PoS Sybil attack
48% of tokens transferred to Elon Musk for sending they are to the Mars and supply delivery of the Mars interplanetary shard.
50% of voidCoin locked at the and after same network will be deployed on Mars, 48% of voidCoin will be loked at Mars area liquidity pool, which will be syncronized through high latancy interplaned heartbit with Earth shard
Please check out voidCoin token contrct for verify tokens supply:
Frequently Asked Questions
What is voidCoin?
voidCoin mission is provide connectivity for blockchains shards, distributed into separated networks segment, wich have linkage each other with very high latency, even on space scale distances, like interplanetary length or even inter stars, or bigger. This token, to continue traditional doggy thematic, was named for the glory of Elon Musk pet, Shibu Inu dog voidCoin, about what pande in his twitter
What is Polytopia?
Polytopia is a adaptive syncronization technique, used in L2 consensus algorithm for reach consystency, verifability and prevention whell known problems of parallel processes, like race condition or deadlock. Unique feature of Polytopia is ability to solve problems in processes, with interacting using very high latency communication channels on interplanetary distances. From other side, euristic cross syncronizations using smart heartbit, allow to reduce time by half to reach consensus betwean two remote sides.
What is blockchain, token, consensus, web3, etc?
If you are newbe in blockchain technologies, we are recomend you for first learn the basics. Good way to start is Binance academy, wich contains very detailed manuals, guides and tutorials
Was there a token pre-sale, ICO, STO, IEO, IPO, and so on?
voidCoin ecosystem IS NOT a commercial project, startup, or some other independend ecosystem. This is founded as technical solution for support other blockchain networks like Shiba, Dogy, eDogy end featured systems, targeted on space multiplanet expansion. voidCoin tokens was issued in full count and then was distributed for Elon fair economy government (48%), liquidity providing (50%) and long therm airdrop for community development (2%)
Can I purchase voidCoin tokens?
Currently you can purchase voidCoin at PancakeSwap. For do it You should select from currency, then in to currency selection paste voidCoin contract address 0xfda65cff68de56a9179cd7eaa83db477fe22c4c1.
We ae strongly recommend to be aware and carefully verify voidCoin contract on binance scan -
Is you an opensource project? Do you plan to growing developers community?
At current time all work processed by closed R&D group. In mostly directions project is in closed beta testing state and planed to publish on github after solving most critical issues. Half of airdrop tokens (1% from TVL) will be spent for bounties, grants and hackatons througt gitcoin ecosystem
Do you provide some kind of guaranties?
No, we are not guaranty anything. One, which we can promise, is there project will be evolve according to roadma showed above. Involving in any interaction with voidCoin ecosystem, You should clearly understand all risks of any kind of blockchain projects participation.
Our team is always here to help
Chief Executive OfficerMolecrot
Chief Fintech OfficerKate
Chief Creative OfficerTommy
Chief Technical OfficerPartners
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